Our Management Committee is composed of experienced professionals from various fields and industries. They are responsible for directing organizational programs, providing leadership and delivering the outcomes needed in achieving DMCI Power’s vision of becoming a prime mover of sustainable development and inclusive growth in missionary areas.
Antonino E. Gatdula, Jr. |
President |
Atty. Francis Allan A. Rubio |
Legal and Regulatory Compliance |
Melannie D. Ubalde |
Comptroller |
Loides C. Castro |
Project Development |
Aureo Benjamin R. Santiago |
Operations, Maintenance and Engineering Services |
Ma. Monica Victoria R. Maramag | Brian Leonard T. Echanis |
Corporate Relations | Treasury and Risk Management |
Marvin C. Baguan | Jasmin E. Lapan |
Procurement and Logistics | Integrated Management System (IMS) Environment, Health, and Safety |
Joan S. Cariño | Marichelle C. Semilla |
Internal Audit | Accounting |
Rolando Antonio B. Chavez, Jr. | Ronnie A. Endaya | Florante O. Ylagan |
Palawan | Masbate | Oriental Mindoro |